Friday, August 24, 2007

Exfoliating and Shaving Tips

1. For razor bumps including bikini area

Some of these tips will burn, but, it really does the trick: rubbing alcohol, men's after shave, first morning's urine (no kidding), stick deodorant, Neosporin. Apply these immediately after shaving. Some have said to exfoliate before shaving, soak in warm water before shaving, and shave underwater. Soap isn’t recommended because it doesn't cushion the shave as well.

2. Shaving

The key here is a clean fresh razor. Razor bumps are usually caused by bacteria and having a razor that isn't clean will aggravate the situation. Wipe the blade off with alcohol after use to be safe when re­using the razor. Try shaving in the direction of hair growth to also prevent razor bumps. Do not use soap to shave. Use a shaving cream or better still buy a cheap hair conditioner and use that. Soaking in a warm tub first will soften the hair and make shaving easier.

3. Avoiding razor bumps

A major problem for many would be the razor bumps. You could try by applying baby oil, olive oil or Aloe Vera immediately after shaving. They also help soothe the area.

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